42 Titles Ceramic Wish Token Cards and FREE Spinner Offer Spinner & Display Unit Deals
Select this item and then via email to ' Sales@byerin.co.uk' send us your order for any 42 Titles from our Ceramic Wish Token Message Card range
The retail value of the stock on this Spinner is £1005.48.
The spinner in this offer is white in colour, has the smoothest spin and is one of the most compact I've seen with a footprint of around 14 inches.
The deal includes: 42 Titles, 6 cards in each title from our Ceramic Wish Token Message Card range (chosen by you)
1 x 42 Pocket Spinner Display Unit ( Free of Charge)
Please note: This offer is proforma only and cannot be used with any other offers/deals. If you have any queries, please let us know.